VBL. Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder.


Institution under Public Law.

1929   1951   1952
Founding of the Supplementary Pension Fund of the Reich and the Länder (ZRL) in Berlin      Renamed to Pension Institution of the Federal and State Governments (VBL)      New headquarters in Karlsruhe


Supervision.   Bodies.    
The VBL is under the supervision of the Federal Ministry of Finance. The voluntary pension insurance scheme of the VBL is under the supervision of BaFin (the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority).     

     Management board with 17 members, including three full-time board members, supervisory body with 38 members


Participating employers.



VBL employees.

5,446 (federal and state governments, around 1,600 municipal employers, around 35 social insurance providers, approx. 3,700 other employers.) This makes the VBL the largest of 30 existing supplementary pension schemes for public sector employees in Germany.  





Insured persons.

5.2 mil. insured persons




1.5 mil. pensioners

Scope of benefits.

Old-age, reduced earnings capacity and survivors' pensions for public sector employees under the collective agreements for compulsory insurance schemes. Plus, an insurance product on a voluntary basis for additional, capital-funded old-age pension provision







EUR 5.8 billion per annum   aba - Arbeitsgemeinschaft für betriebliche Altersversorgung e.V. (Berlin),
EAPSPI - European Association of Public Sector Pension Institutions
GVG - Society for Insurance Science and Design


Figures dated: 31.12.2023




The VBL was founded on 26 February 1929 during the Weimar Republic under the original name ‘Supplementary Pension Fund of the Reich and the Länder (ZRL)’ in Berlin. At the time, the task of the ZRL was to provide the workers of the Reich administration, the administrative authorities of the participating states and their surviving dependants with additional co to their statutory pension. This was to compensate for the unequal treatment between civil servants and non-civil servants in the public sector. In the early 1950s, the VBL was given its current name and was moved to Karlsruhe. Following the reunification of Germany in 1997, the supplementary pension was also introduced in the then so-called new federal states.