The more you accumulate, the better.

Once your employer has registered you with VBLklassik, the first thing we do is set up a pension account for you. Your annual pension points will be credited to that account. Each year we inform you how many points you have accumulated by sending you an account statement by post or De-Mail. You can access your point balance and contract data at any time via your access to Meine VBL, our online client portal for pension scheme members. You are therefore kept informed at all times.

You receive pension points on your pensionable income. These are calculated as follows:


There are also pension points for social components. These are, on the one hand, pension points during maternity and parental leave and, on the other, pension points for attributed periods in the case of pensions for reduced earning capacity.

Additional pension points for maternity leave and parental leave

An employee who was born on 12.03.1989 has been continuously subject to compulsory insurance up to 2020.  
Pensionable income up to 03.05.2020 €12,505.00
Periods of maternity leave under §3 par. 2 and §6 par. 1 of the German Maternity Leave Act (Mutterschutzgesetz – MuSchG) from 04.05.2020 to 10.08.2020  
Birth of child on 15.06.2020  
Beginning of parental leave on 11.08.2020  
Pensionable share in the annual bonus in November 2020 €1,630.00
Fictitious salary for the period of maternity leave under §21 of the Public Sector collective labour Agreement (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst – TVöD) €9,900.00


The calculation of the pension points in that calendar year is carried out as follows:  
Salary up to the beginning of parental leave €12,505.00
Annual bonus (8/12) €1,630.00
Subtotal €14,135.00
Plus fictitious salary under §21 TVöD/Public Service Wage Agreement for the Länder (TV-L) €9,900.00
Plus fictitious salary for four months’ parental leave (= 4 x €500.00) €2,000.00
Total pay €26,035.00


€26,035.00 : 12
 = 2,169.58 X 2.0 (age factor) = 4.34 PP


Pension points for attributed periods where a reduced earning capacity pension is drawn

The pension points account also continues to grow in the event of reduced earning capacity.

If the insured event of partially or fully reduced earning capacity occurs before an employee, subject to compulsory insurance, has reached his/her 60th birthday, pension points are added to the pension calculation. Pension points are credited for every twelve full calendar months up till the insured person’s 60th birthday.

These points correspond to the ratio between the average monthly pensionable income for the past three calendar years before the insured event occurred and the reference income.

Months without pensionable income are not considered when calculating the average income.

Employee born on   14.11.1964
60th birthday on   13.11.2024
Insured event occurs due to fully reduced earning capacity on   01.05.2016
Full calendar months still to go until the insured person’s 60th birthday   102
= full years   8
Average monthly income for the past three calendar years before
the insured event
Calculation according to the formula
(without age factor)
Reference income €1,000.00
= 2.60 PP
Additional pension points for eight years   = 20.8 PP


You may be granted bonus points. The number of bonus points depends on the economic situation, i.e. on the amount of profits we generate year by year and pass on to you.

Besides the pension points for pensionable income and possible pension points for social components, so-called bonus points may also be allocated to the pension account in connection with the distribution of profits (profit shares; §68 VBL Statutes).

For that purpose, by the end of each year an assessment is made as to whether, and to what extent, bonus points can be granted for the previous financial year. The basis for the calculation of the bonus points is an actuarial balance sheet, with the aid of which an actual (Eastern Länder of Germany collective bargaining area) or fictitiously calculated (Western Länder of Germany collective bargaining area) profit is calculated from returns on capital.

If there is no capital funding, but instead the benefits are financed on a pay-as-you-go basis, the average ongoing interest yield of the ten largest pension funds in the Federal Republic of Germany is taken as the basis as the assumed interest yield.

The profit thus calculated is reduced by the expenses for the social components and administration costs. Any remaining profit flows into the pension accounts of the insured persons as bonus points. Prerequisite for this is the decision issued by the Supervisory Body of VBL at the proposal of the responsible actuary. Bonus points for a completed calendar year may be granted for insured persons who at the end of the following financial year

  • are subject to compulsory insurance or
  • are subject to non-contributory insurance and have completed a waiting/qualifying period of 120 premium/contribution months.

The age factor takes into account the interest yield of the contributions paid. The following applies as a rule: the younger the insured person is when the contract is concluded, the higher the age factor, as the interest over an insurance period of 30 or 40 years results in a higher yield than for a member who is insured for only 10 years.


Age Factor Age Factor
17 3.1 41 1.5
18 3.0 42 1.4
19 2.9 43 1.4
20 2.8 44 1.3
21 2.7 45 1.3
22 2.6 46 1.3
23 2.5 47 1.2
24 2.4 48 1.2
25 2.4 49 1.2
26 2.3 50 1.1
27 2.2 51 1.1
28 2.2 52 1.1
29 2.1 53 1.0
30 2.0 54 1.0
31 2.0 55 1.0
32 1.9 56 1.0
33 1.9 57 0.9
34 1.8 58 0.9
35 1.7 59 0.9
36 1.7 60 0.9
37 1.6 61 0.9
38 1.6 62 0.8
39 1.6 63 0.8
40 1.5 ab 64 0.8


Partial old-age retirement agreed before 1 January 2003

In the case of partial old-age retirement agreed before 1 January 2003 on the basis of the German Partial old-age retirement Act (Altersteilzeitgesetz), the pensionable income is calculated on the basis of the earnings for part-time old-age (as a rule halved) according to §4 of the Collective Labour Agreement Regulating Partial old-age retirement (Tarifvertrag zur Regelung der Altersteilzeitarbeit – TV ATZ). The resulting pension points are multiplied by 1.8, unless they are based on income of which the insured person is entitled to the full amount.

Partial old-age retirement agreed after 31 December 2002

For partial old-age retirement agreed after 31 December 2002, pensionable income is 1.8 times the earnings to which the insured person has a 50% entitlement/claim in accordance with §4 ATV TZ, plus the earnings of which he/she is entitled to the full amount. With regard to the accrued rights acquired during the partial old-age retirement, employees in partial old-age retirement are allocated to the position they would be in if they had continued to work 90 % of their previous working hours rather than 50 %.